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Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) is an experiential form of therapy that involves working with horses to address issues resulting from the traumatic effects of abuse, neglect, combat, grief and loss, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, chronic illness and other adverse life circumstances.  People often develop negative coping mechanisms and unhealthy relationship patterns as a result of relational wounds.  Similarly, horses are prey animals and spend a great deal of their time in their brainstem, or survival mode (fight, flight or freeze), much as trauma victims do.  Horses will respond honestly and directly to whatever behaviors and internal states a client presents to them in the round pen, allowing the client to experience immediate and helpful feedback about the communication and relational patterns they create with the people in their lives.  Horses provide opportunities to practice assertive communication, set boundaries, make requests, learn emotional regulation skills, and build trust and confidence in a mutual partnership.  All of the skills used to build relationship with the horse are transferable outside the round pen to human relationships.


I am trained in Natural Lifemanship model of EAP ( and offer this therapy at Scattered Oaks Farm in Manor.


Session fees are $150 for 50 minutes.


Please contact me if you have any questions about this type of therapy and whether it might be appropriate for you!


Click on this link to see my latest interview:


Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or would like to set up an appointment.

Contact Information
Call or Text: 512-365-9883
(Please Leave a Message)


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